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Board of Trustees

A Message from the Chair

BOT 主席 Jean MacCormack


It is my honor to serve as chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Bridgewater State University and to work with so many exemplary professionals who are dedicated to Bridgewater’s mission of providing the highest quality educational experience and opportunities to our students. As one of the state’s largest institutions of higher education, 教育, serving and supporting more than 11,000 students each year, the Board of Trustees takes very seriously our responsibility to BSU’s students and families, faculty and staff, and the citizens and taxpayers of Massachusetts.

The Board of Trustees of Bridgewater State University is the institution’s governing body and is comprised of citizens from this region and state who volunteer their time to serve. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for the operation of the university, charged with reviewing and approving a range of academic and business matters, including the annual budget and student fees. The Board also appoints the president of the university and reviews the performance of the president and the university on an ongoing basis.

The Board consists of eleven members, all of whom (except a student member who is elected by the student body to a one-year term) are appointed by the Governor, with at least one member who is a BSU alumnus elected by the 校友 Association. Each member of the Board is elected to a five-year term and can serve for no more than two consecutive terms.

The full Board meets five times annually, and conducts its meetings in accordance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. We welcome your attendance at Board meetings. The Board has 12 standing committees – Executive; Academic and Student Affairs; Finance and Operations; Honorary Degree Advisory; 校友 and 发展; External Relations; Student Success and 多样性; University Safety and Security; Nominating; 总统ial Review and Compensation; Racial Justice and Equity; and Audit. These committees convene throughout the year to consider and report out policy and action recommendations to the full Board.


Dr. Jean MacCormack

总统 Clark with two members of the Board of Trustees
Our 11-member Board brings together a diverse group of veteran and future leaders dedicated to advancing the university’s mission of public higher education.
A student is seen through the stacks at the 图书馆 studying
A schedule of Board meetings and approved meeting minutes.
A tulip blooms in front of the Bethany House

The bylaws outline how the Board should be composed, when it should meet and how it should conduct business.